And so of course ...
I have most, if not all of his music. I have seen many of his movies.
I have an Elvis overnight tote bag that I get many compliments on from older folks down to the girls on my daughter's volleyball team.
I have an Elvis figure that hangs from the rear view mirror of my car. The hips are attached to the torso by a spring and so with every movement of the car... so goes Elvis.
I have an Elvis purse complete with sequins that I take with me every year when I go to Las Vegas.
I've been getting Elvis Christmas ornaments from my kids and/or husband for years now.
Elvis is popular in my house and with my children. We listen to his music all the time. My kids sing along. They know all the words to his songs. And they like to introduce the music of Elvis to their friends. It was the popular CD of choice when I would chaperon their elementary school field trips in my car. My favorite song is Suspicious Minds followed closely by Blue Christmas. The kids like Jailhouse Rock and Hound Dog.
Whenever we are out at a restaurant, or shopping, etc and I hear an Elvis song come on, I'll say "Who's that on the radio?!" And whoever is with us at the time, be it kids, friends, parents, family .... they will simultaneously shout out "ELVIS!" I love it!
When I'm gone from this earth, (hanging out with Elvis) ... I hope that whenever my kids are together and they hear an Elvis song, they will turn to each other and simply smile.
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