In my first marriage, I can remember feeling jealous and envious of friends and family more times than I’d care to count.
The reasons were always ridiculous and immature.
“They have more money than me.”
“Their house is nicer than mine.”
“She’s thinner than me.”
“Their kids are better dressed than mine.”
Blah… blah… blah…
What a waste of time and energy. Looking back now, I realize how unhappy I was. I was in this very unsatisfying marriage for years. It drained the life right out of me. I became petty. I could gossip for hours. I felt lonely and angry.
Ugggghhhhh. I cringe at the thought of that person I once was.
But when I married my second husband, my true identity came out and something within me really started to shine. I could honestly feel a physical/emotional change from the moment I fell in love with him. I laughed much more. Rarely found reason to raise my voice in anger. Gossip became something I had no time or desire to engage in.
I truly started appreciating the gifts in my life.
I became a better Mother, a better Sister, a better Daughter and a better friend. I can’t tell you how many times friends and family have literally said “I can tell you’re so happy” to me. I changed almost instantly and it was a fabulous difference from the woman I had been before.
I have not felt jealous or envious of anyone or anything in years. And I know it has to do with my husband.
I wouldn’t trade my happiness with him for anything.
Not for more money
Not for a nicer house
Not for a thinner body
Not even for better dressed kids ;)
His friendship and love allowed me to be the person that was always jealously and enviously waiting to live her life.
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