I am the MOM and I was here FIRST!

My photo
I am a 44 year old mother of three children and grandmother of one. I am divorced from my children's father whom I share joint physical custody of our youngest two children with. I have been married to my fabulous husband for over 9 near-perfect years. I LOVE this man! He is a wonderful generous, affectionate, tolerant and all forgiving husband. He is also a terrific step-dad/male role model to my kids and an even better grand father to our two year old grand daughter. My oldest daughter attends college to obtain her nursing degree. She has been on her own for over three years now (no longer part of a shared custody arrangement like her brother & sister) My middle daughter is in high school and plays on the freshmen volleyball & soccer teams. She's really creative and talented. My son is in middle school and plays hockey and lacrosse. He is a sweet sensitive boy who still says "I love you Mom" frequently. I work part time running an online ebay store. I have terrific and supportive relationships with my family, friends and of course my kids. I am extremely close to my sister, my Mom and my sister-in-laws. They are my best friends.


Friday, November 9, 2007

Happy Birthday Dad

Hi Dad,

I remembered your birthday today. You would have been 68 years old. I can't believe it's been 21 years since you left this earth when I was just 21 myself. The only granddaughter that you ever so briefly laid eyes on is now 21 herself.

I think about you all the time. I miss you terribly. Every year that goes by, my love and appreciation for your presence in my life continues to grow, almost as if you were still here. The impact you had on me shows itself more strongly as I creep up to the age that you were when you died.

My self-worth and self-love stem from the constant and consistent love you showered on me since the day I was born. If it's only one thing I was ever ever sure of growing up, it was my place in your heart. I knew I was special because you told me so. I knew I was the most important thing in your life, because you told me so.

Even though you and Mom divorced when I was in the third grade, you never missed a Sunday visit with me. Not once in all those years. Those Sunday's were crammed with a weeks worth of quality. You introduced me to Abbot & Costello, Shirley Temple and The Three Stooges. My love of baseball comes from you. Your silly sense of humor made me light and easy going. The sensitivity and empathy you displayed towards others led me to reach out and love without fear. You taught me to laugh, to live in the moment, to cherish friends, to take nothing for granted and to give back.

Even though you're not physically here, you're always within me. My life is a perfect example of all you ever cared about.

The world is no better for having lost you, but heaven is happy to have you. This I know.

Happy Birthday Dad. I'll talk to you tomorrow.

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